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2023 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey: Orgs Prioritizing Retargeting, Personalization & Lead Nurturing Amidst Economic Turmoil & Third-Party Cookie Depreciation

There are several factors influencing the B2B marketing climate throughout 2023: Economic uncertainty, widespread tech layoffs and the impending demise of third-party cookies. With those three challenges creating the perfect storm for disruption, Demand Gen Report's "2023 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey" found that marketers are responding in-kind by looking to strengthen the tools and strategies already at their disposal to…

2023 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Benchmark Survey Report: Practitioners Gathering Deeper Intelligence To Facilitate Highly Relevant 1:1 Outreach

In a world tainted with spammy, impersonal outreach, B2B practitioners are recognizing the importance of 1:1 connections and building the foundation needed to generate and fuel account- and contact-level insights. According to the "2023 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Benchmark Survey," 69% of practitioners plan to increase their investment in their database strategies as they look ahead into 2023. And…

What’s Working In Personalization? The Power Of Customizing Engagements

We've all gotten the "Hi [NAME]" email that masquerades as personalization. But there is more to connecting with buyers than addressing them by name. B2B marketing teams that embrace personalization strategies can accelerate buying journeys by proactively anticipating buyers' needs and offering solutions to their pain points. Personalization is key to advancing the buyer's journey, but marketers must balance buyers' contradictory desires for…

What’s Working In Conversational Marketing?: Practitioners Relying On Data To Personalize & Power Chat Experiences

In a world that's dominated by demands for personalization, self-service and fast-moving buyer's journeys, marketers are turning to conversational marketing to better engage prospects with relevant information while providing personalized communications to guide them throughout their journey. Throughout this special report, you'll explore: The latest trends in conversational marketing; Best practices to get it done right; and Real-world examples of…

2022 State Of Revenue Operations

Far too often, practitioners find themselves stretched thin, bogged down by dirty data and manual processes and siloed from other departments. In fact, new research found that most marketers spend more than half of their workweek on unautomated day-to-day tasks. Worse, nearly 30% said their marketing and sales teams are not integrated in terms of funnel data and processes. This…

What’s Working In Account-Based Marketing: B2B’s Evolution To ABX

Is ABX the new ABM? Account-based experience (ABX) is poised as the next evolution of account-based marketing, taking the entire customer journey into consideration. A major component of that is account insights, which enable marketers to take all customer/prospect insights and activate them across every stage of the buyer's journey. Marketers are using this combination of intent, first and third-party…